There are 5 styles of conflict resolution depending on how two criteria of our behavior manifest in a given conflict:
👉 Assertiveness: the degree to which one tries to satisfy one’s own interests
👉 Cooperation: the extent to which one tries to satisfy the interests of the other party or in other words focus on maintaining the good relationship with the other party
These styles will help you choose the right approach to deal with your next conflict situation!
1️⃣ The different styles according to the Thomas Kilmann model:
Competing – you stand your ground and don’t get excited about the other side:
“My way or the highway”
Collaborating (or win-win approach) – you strive for both sides to win:
“Two heads are better than one”
Compromising – both parties agree to less than they originally wanted:
“Let’s make a deal”
Avoiding the conflict situation:
“I will think about it tomorrow”
Accommodating – you fully agree with the other party:
“It’s OK with me. Whatever you want”
2️⃣ When to use which style?
📌 An emergency looms
📌 You are sure you are right and being right matters more than preserving relationships
📌 The issue is trivial and others don’t really care what happens
📌 The issues and relationship are both significant
📌 Cooperation is important
📌 A creative end is important
📌 Reasonable hope exists to address all concerns
📌 Cooperation is important but time or resources are limited
📌 When finding some solution, even less than best, is better than a complete stalemate
📌 When efforts to collaborate will be misunderstood as forcing
📌 The issue is trivial
📌 The relationship is insignificant
📌 Time is short and a decision not necessary
📌 You have little power but still wish to block the other person
📌 You really don’t care about the issue
📌 You are powerless but have no wish to block the other person
📌 When you realize you are wrong