Eisenhower’s Matrix

How to effectively manage your time and check all the tasks that don’t stop piling up?

If you apply the matrix of the 34th USA president, Dwight Eisenhower, and add Stephen Covey’s 3rd habit (of highly effective people), you’ll see it’s easy – like a child’s play. 🙃

The key is in quadrant 2 – the important and non-urgent tasks!

Let’s take a deeper look at the 4 quadrants:

A small amount of time spent in the 1st quadrant can be very productive, but in the long run it may have that counter effect we don’t want. So, focus on these tasks and prioritise them at the very beginning.

The 2nd quadrant is the answer to your prayers! The more time you spend in quadrant 2, the less tasks you’ll have in quadrant 1’s queue. Some of the items that have their beginning in quadrant 2, may end up in quadrant 4. The only way you’ll find more time for quadrant 2 is if you stop spending time in quadrants 3 & 4. That’s why you should dedicate time to your tasks when they are still not urgent and when they are in quadrant 2! If you are really good at managing your time, the majority of your tasks will take place in quadrant 2.

If you still need more time, spend time in quadrant 3. This is the quadrant of delusion where people tend to misinterpret or get lost in what’s important and what’s urgent. These tasks should take the minimum of your time but still they should have their place in your to-do list. If possible, delegate them. 🙂

People who “live” in quadrants 1 & 3 tend to find shelter in quadrant 4 to recover – which is still a delusion. When they realise the delusion, they go back to spending their time in quadrants 1 & 3 until they feel the need to escape again. We often say that for those tasks we should all use “the bin”. Most probably most of them don’t “need” to be done. Do these tasks in-between the important ones – for example, use the time gaps of waiting for something.

What are your tasks in quadrant 2 for today?

-The Gang

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