The 3 Why’s in Delegation
Ocado Technology believes in collaboration and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And as Delegation is Collaboration, we thought this Daily Vitamin would suit them well! 😊
Not long ago we shared the gang’s 4 Simple Rules when Delegating. Now it’s time for some “secret gems” along the way! 👇
Delegation is important for obvious reasons like sharing the workload so you, as a leader, feel less stressed and can get to more strategic projects. But keep in mind these secret gems when delegating:
💎 Sharing key and important tasks gives your team members a sense that you have confidence in their abilities.
– “They believe in me!”
💎 Your people get the assurance that you invest in their career growth.
– “They want me to grow!”
💎 Providing 1:1 training will allow you to deepen your relationship with each person, allowing for a more cohesive team environment.
– “We know and understand each other!”