5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.3)

The “IT Team” topic is quite the long and complex one so we, at Tochka 2 alongside our friends from the IT world, are constantly exploring it and trying to find the best way to better the climate and share our knowledge. ⭐

This is a quote from ep. 37 with Filip Filipov and the topic we explored is “How to effectively manage my time and energy?”.

The biggest drive to get something done is the deadline. And the problem I observe in teams, well.. also individually, is that the deadline is often set so far in the future, that we keep our calm today, tomorrow, and we do nothing essential until all we’re left with is the last 24 hours prior to the deadline….

-Filip Filipov

🎧 Listen to the whole episode (in Bulgarian) and subscribe for our YouTube channel!

Check out what other guests of Radiotochka 2 (our Soft Skills For IT People podcast in Bulgarian) have shared from their experience with IT Teams 👇

Learn more...
Atanas Filchev - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.1)
Poli Gramatikova - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.2)
Dilyana Domuschieva - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.4)
Miro Miroslavov - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.5)
Hari from the Gang - Achieve more as a Team
Hari from the Gang - Trust