5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.5)

The “IT Team” topic is quite the long and complex one so we, at Tochka 2 alongside our friends from the IT world, are constantly exploring it and trying to find the best way to better the climate and share our knowledge. ⭐

This is a quote from ep. 36 with Miro Miroslavov and the topic we explored is “Building a world-class product”.

In the end, one organization goes through more to less the same stages of development as one team does: storming, norming, performing

-Miro Miroslavov

🎧 Listen to the whole episode (in Bulgarian) and subscribe for our YouTube channel!

Check out what other guests of Radiotochka 2 (our Soft Skills For IT People podcast in Bulgarian) have shared from their experience with IT Teams 👇

Learn more...
Atanas Filchev - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.1)
Poli Gramatikova - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.2)
Filip Filipov - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.3)
Dilyana Domuschieva - 5 Points of View on IT Teams (Pt.4)
Hari from the Gang - Achieve more as a Team
Hari from the Gang on Rules