Inspirational books
Shawn Achor combines very well his sense of humor with scientific research in his book about happiness. In The Happiness Advantage, he shows how we could be happier and how this has a huge positive impact on our success.
If you wonder how to take your own growth into your hands look at the most popular book by Stephen Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The book presents many ideas on personal and relationship development.
If you are at the crossroads or you need encouraging words to follow your own path – seek motivation and inspiration in the book Getting There. The author, Gillian Zoe Segal, shares the stories of 30 leaders from various areas before they reach success.

The Mom Test
How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
Do you have a great idea that you want to implement straight away?
You don’t have to put all the effort to build a product and then learn if your customers are going to buy it. You can first apply the practices from the book.

This is a personal story about learning and starting 👱🏻
Most of my life I’ve been doing something related to programming. Whether it’s computer science competitions in my school years or software development in my adult life, I’ve been always surrounded by an engineering environment.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I remember a guy in university once said “I don’t like programming, but I’ve invested 4 years studying it, so that’s what I’ll do for the rest of my life.”
For me, the growing-up question has different answers throughout our lifetime.
Just before turning 30, I started discovering my artistic self. I wanted to create something. I wanted to write a children’s book. I wrote 4 small stories. But something was missing – I wanted amazing illustrations in the book.
So, I decided I should do the illustrations myself.
I tried learning traditional drawing, but I sucked.
Then, I tried digital painting. I sucked again, but this time I loved the process.
5 years later, I can’t imagine not drawing.
I am happy I started a business with like-minded people, where I can do it daily. We do soft skills training, so no drawing is required. But we do it anyway. It’s just part of our DNA.
No matter the age, if you find your passion, it’s never too late to start.
– Hari (from the Gang 😊)
Build a relationship map of your organization
In this article, Svetlio from “CEO moments” shares a valuable way to:
- Easily visualize the relationships in your team
- Create better cohesion between team members
- Use a relationship map in practice
by Gabriel Weinberg & Justin Mares
Making a successful product is not only about its development. It’s also about reaching people and making sure it exists.
When we created the platform we were proud of what we achieved. But the next step was new to us – how to announce to the world that we have something valuable?
That’s where the book Traction comes in handy – presenting 19 ways for achieving customer growth.

[Thanks to Vesko Kolev for suggesting this book to us!]
Leader’s Boundaries – a Tool
Veli Getova from NotYourTherapy shares with us this great tool for exploring the boundaries of a team leader. This tool could be used as a self-assessment or could be given to all team members to assess the boundaries of their team leader.

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